Solar Power installation

Solar Power installation
Families in the rural villages have little to no access to electricity grids and, therefore, widely use kerosene as their main source of light. However, kerosene is a volatile and toxic chemical that provides poor lighting and acutely affects people’s health. Yet, kerosene continues to be a core source of illumination in countries like Uganda, which have incomplete or unreliable electricity grids.
We help install off-grid solar systems to power lights, office equipment, security cameras, refrigeration and other appliances.Solar Home Systems provide environmentally friendly, reliable and cost-effective access to electricity.

Most school children attend schools with no electricity leaving them without power for lighting, computers, internet, printers and more. This has huge implications on their education. Without lighting they have very limited reading and studying times, without computers they cannot learn computer skills, without internet they are cut off from a world of free teaching tools and resources, without printers it is very difficult for teachers to create critical educational materials. The provision of cheap, clean and reliable energy to schools through solar technologies, promotes e-learning, extended hours of revision, saving bills and improved security.
The installation of solar power in schools will provide extended learning time, access to computers and to the internet, and an increased amount and quality of printed materials will greatly improve the level of education for students.